It's very simple:
1. Wash your armpits with soap and dry them thoroughly.
2. You only need to pick up with your finger about the amount of a pea.
3. Apply it to the armpit with a gentle circular massage.
4. Massage until completely absorbed.
5. Get dressed and forget about it until the next application.
hero deodorant is not a deodorant itself, but an anti-deodorant. In other words, its function is to neutralize and eliminate the bacteria responsible for making our sweat smell bad.
If you have been using traditional chemical deodorants or antiperspirants for years (deodorants with aluminum or chemicals), your body has accumulated these substances that, like aluminum, prevent sweat and bacteria from leaving the body and has become accustomed to the way they work and the way you apply them. hero works differently. Your armpits need to go through a detox process and you may need a little time to get used to it.
At first you have to apply it a little more frequently, and it is true that the first few days you have a stronger odor. But it is something that is eliminated as our body and hero deodorant eliminate those bacteria. Little by little, you can space out its use and even if you sweat, do sports and shower, you don't need to reapply it.
With our tips and information below, you will quickly discover that hero is not only a different deodorant, but also a safe and super-effective product.
the standard transition period ( from 2 to 4 weeks), when switching from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant as well as each stage of detoxification may vary depending on your body chemistry, the length and frequency of time you have been using antiperspirant deodorants, as well as the type of deodorant you were using.
Allow time for your body to eliminate accumulated toxins and enjoy the safety of our natural deodorant.

With hero we offer the definitive solution to those people who cannot find their deodorant because it is highly effective, but not only that, we want you to stop applying deodorant every day (showering or physical activity does not affect its effectiveness). Our aim is for you to enjoy your day to day life without worrying about bad smell and also to have peace of mind knowing that you are using a healthy deodorant without toxins and that does not generate harmful waste to the planet.
But hero is born with a clear purpose: ONE BUY ONE HELP. Part of our profits will go to a cause to help those who need us today, maybe it will be us tomorrow. HERO IS YOU!
The standard transition period ( from 2 to 4 weeks), when switching from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant as well as each stage of detoxification may vary depending on your body chemistry, the length and frequency of time you have been using antiperspirant deodorants, as well as the type of deodorant you were using.
Allow time for your body to eliminate accumulated toxins and enjoy the safety of our natural deodorant.
*If you use natural deodorants, this transition period is not necessary and you will notice its effectiveness from the first days even from the first application.
Yes, it lasts for days and with a single application, about the size of a pea, is sufficient. You will have to adapt to hero and hero to you and find out up to how many days it is effective in your case. 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 days? Neither showering nor sports affect its effectiveness - a single application is enough for days!
Even if you only apply a little, hero is effective for days. On average, the frequency of application is 3 to 7 days, but everyone has their own ideal frequency of application, which requires testing (and also, making mistakes). For example, you can start applying hero every 2 days and increase the number of days between each application until you know what frequency works best for you.

*As it is a natural product, if you have been using deodorants with aluminum, you will have to do a detox period, so that your body eliminates the aluminum plug of your armpits and let out the bacteria accumulated in your body. Once this detox period is done, you will enjoy your hero to the fullest.
It is important to know the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant. A deodorant attacks the odor and an antiperspirant attacks the fluid we secrete. Most deodorants are also antiperspirants. Hero is first and foremost a deodorant, so it attacks the odor of sweat and, to a lesser extent, the sweat (fluid) itself.
Fluids corresponding to perspiration are the result of your body trying to reduce its temperature. This fluid is odorless, but is often considered (especially if you sweat a lot) unpleasant.
The active ingredients in antiperspirants block your pores, reducing perspiration. However, this alters your body temperature management and toxins cannot leave your body through your armpits.
When you stop using antiperspirant, you unblock your pores, which means that, especially at first, you may sweat more than before. The plugs that have been blocking your pores for years start to disappear from your body. This can take a while. For many, this is an uncomfortable phase and they may think that hero doesn't work for them, so they may end up going back to using their old deodorant. Our advice: don't despair!
The longer you use hero, the less bacteria will appear, so you will have to use it less frequently. So you can start using hero every two-three days and then check the effectiveness time and add an extra day between each application. This way, you will find your balance on your own. Of course, it would be a waste to use hero every three days if the effect lasts for a whole week.
Even if you shower, hero still works - you can shower as much as you want! However, if you exfoliate your skin, you may remove the top layer of your skin and, with it, hero. In these cases, reapply hero!
The absence of odor and the habit of perfumed deodorants may give you the feeling that your deodorant is not working. Hero does not contain any added fragrance (it only has a subtle natural scent from the ingredients with which it is formulated). Hero is odorless, so it does not mix with the scent of your daily perfume.